Saturday, July 26, 2008


This Blog is dedicated specifically to give all of you disgruntled, frustrated and confused household employers and employees a chance to write in and comment on the daily problems you are having with each other. From working on both sides for the last 20 years, I know the many situations that have caused problems and often times led to terminating the relationship. Although, in many instances, it is not a question of right from wrong, but more a personal choice, the first question is "who is the boss?" However, just because you have the label "boss" does not mean that you know how to be a good one. Employers constantly fail at conducting themselves properly with their household help. Strange as it seems, I have found that many high-powered executives appear lost as managers of their homes and staff. It is uncomfortable to find that your home is no longer a sanctuary because of the problems and attitude you face with the household help. In the same light, household employees are making the same mistakes at the workplace and have a limited understanding of how to conduct themselves with their employers. No one likes to work in a place where there is dissension and a sense of not feeling appreciated. So, you can see, this is a two-way street with real sides to each story from both perspectives.

Write me and let me begin to help you solve these problems based on my experience in the field.