Monday, December 27, 2010

How do I find a Nanny Job in the New Year?

Now that the holidays are over, it is time to get back to the business of finding a job working as a Nanny and/or Housekeeper. Here are tips on how to get the process going:

1) Take a look at your resume and be sure that it is updated. Review it carefully to ensure that it reflects your job experience, education, objective, talents and skills clearly. A resume will be reviewed within 1-2 minutes, so you need to make that one page impressive. Have additional copies available and put it on a hard drive/computer so it can be sent electronically.

2) Call your previous references, wishing them a good new year and advising them that you will be searching for work. Let them know that they might be receiving calls, but you will only give their numbers out to employers that you are serious about engaging. While you have them on the phone, ask them to put the word out to their friends that you are looking for employment.

3) Go on line and look at various job listing sites that specialize in your field. Some of the more popular ones are:,,, Go into each site and get your resume up and registered. Be very descriptive about your experience. This is a resume on line so every word counts.

4) Go on line and look up agencies in your area. Some you may have already registered with and need to send an updated resume. Make contact with a specific person and keep a record of who you spoke to and when. Make appointments to visit the agency and reconnect with them so they are reminded of you. Be sure to take with you copies of your complete portfolio.

5) Check your local newspapers for ads seeking employees in your field. Cut the ads out, tape them to individual sheets of paper and make notes concerning each job and information you received by phone. Even if the job is taken, call back in a week or so to see the status since many times new employees do not work out for one reason or another.

6) Get business cards made with your name and skill. Pass them to people that you meet and tell them about yourself. Consider doing an email blast to your contacts to spread the word.

7) Have your "interview outfit" clean, pressed and ready to go so that you can respond to a call at any moment. Even take it with you in your car in case you get a random call and need to get to the interview quickly.

8) Check your certifications to be sure they are current. Consider classes that might improve your skills. Enroll so that you are constantly improving yourself in your field. This will also be impressive within an interview.

Stay positive, upbeat and focused. Be persistent and the right job will come your way.

Marta Perrone

1 comment:

Candi said...

Tips when interviewing for a nanny job from