Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wrongful Dismissal???

Heather Mills, formerly married to Beatle Sir Paul McCartney is being sued by her nanny for "constructive dismissal and sex discrimination" alleging that a replacement was brought in when she returned from maternity leave and was downgraded to cleaning duties. It gets stickier in that the nanny, Sara Trumble apparently asked for money to pay for a breast enlargement that Mills declined to give her. The nanny was already given 10,000 pounds by her Sir Paul McCartney upon leaving. (Mills and McCartney are divorced.)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Breedlove & Associates, the leading company for in Household Taxes has just reported that the HIRE ACT that was signed on March 18, 2010 has some distressing news as it relates to household employers. The purpose of the bill is to encourage employers to create jobs for unemployed Americans; however, the definition of "employers" according to the IRS excludes household employers. Breedlove & Associates has appealed to the original sponsor of the bill to re-consider.For more specific assistance, contact