Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Toys, Parents, Nannies and Foul Language

There was concern over the "Three Pigs" Shrek promotional toy that McDonald's is giving out due to the language it uses and what that is teaching our children. We should be very concerned about the words children hear. But these words not only come from toys; parents and nannies must also be vigilant of their use of language. Parents may use foul language amongst each other and forget that a child might be in their presence. If you use profanity, it is difficult to teach a child NOT to use such words. Children are smarter than they ask the infamous question, "But, then why are you saying it mommy and daddy?" Nannies are usually the least found culprits as they know that this could get them fired. However, language can be harmful in many ways and not just through the use of "profanity". Making statements that lower a child's self-esteem or make a child feel bad for something that perhaps they can't do is very harmful. We must use language carefully around each other so that we exude encouragement, compassion, understanding, love, forgiveness, and respect. This makes for a better child and a better society.

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