Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Clearing The Air

The aftermath of a great dinner sometimes means clearing the air in the kitchen!

While the weather has temporarily turned back to unseasonably hot in Los Angeles I still found I had a need to eat a good piece of meat. My loving husband had seen a recipe for a caramelized shallot and walnut side dish that seemed the perfect match for a Chateaubriand I was dying to make. Both dishes turned out perfectly, and with the addition of some greens we relished every bite while watching election results sipping a nice red. I will post the recipes shortly.

The problem came after when an extraordinary meal lingered about the kitchen through cooking odors.

How do you fix this if you don’t live in Southern California where you can open the doors yearlong?

I know we all want to linger a bit to enjoy our creations, and it’s beneficial to digest before doing heavy lifting, but clean all the dishes pots and pans thoroughly very shortly after the meal. Wipe all counters and the stove top as well. Throw out the garbage, as food odors tend to linger. I always keep lemons and lime handy, cut one in half and add it to the garbage disposal, and sense the air quality improve immediately. You may want to add a splash into the dishwasher or sink as you clean it as well. Cleaners with fragrances can improve things as well. I recommend Lysol Neutra Air Sanitizing Spray; it eliminates odor problems at their source and leaves a clean pleasant fragrance.

Cleaning the kitchen
can be as much fun as orchestrating a great meal while it helps burn a few calories in the process. Happy eating, happy cleaning, happy living.

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